

our products speak volumes of what beautiful BC, it’s crafters and farmers provide.

we strive to be as local and organic in everything we do; the heart of us is working with the seasons, being close with our b.c. farmers and crafters. Outside of b.c. we look nationwide first and for what we are unable to find we step south into california typically for organic walnuts and citrus.

Some of our spices, cacao products, coffee, tea and such are sourced globally but we are always trying our best to get a hold of something grown close to home, substitutions and relying on our local crafters.

how we do things

our products are free of artificial flavourings, additives, inflammatory oils and preservatives so you have nothing to worry about

you can count on us to only use grass fed butter or extra virgin olive oil, provided by our good friends the creanza family

we only use grass fed rolling meadow dairy in all our products and drinks and organic eggs from coligny creek

the only salt in everything is from vancouver island sea salt as well as organic cane sugar and muscovado

our bread collection is majority naturally leavened and we specify which breads do contain commercial yeast though there are few. All lean breads are plant-based using organic flour, grains and seeds

organic whole grain, all purpose, pastry flour, and grain berries used in our breads and pastries are western canadian with majority from b.c.

all preserves, compotes, nut butters and jams are made in house from fraser valley and okanagan fruit

we carefully source our produce from family owned and operated organic bc farmers

we pull continuum coffee roasters and steep O5 tea
